воскресенье, 10 мая 2015 г.

Armenia President: The momentum gained in EEU process shouldn’t be weakened

Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan, who is on working visit to Moscow, today attended the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting, where he delivered a speech. In his speech, Sargsyan noted that it is symbolic to hold the first meeting of the EEU on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people against Nazism. Congratulating the anniversary, Sargsyan said: “The legacy of our victory even today continues to serve a basis for the deepening of brotherly ties between our nations and mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries.” According to President Sargsyan, the work in the EEU should be aimed at the increase of commercial and investment flows, enhancement of business ties, strengthening of the EEU institutions and, ultimately, achievement of a higher level of economic integration of the union countries. He also expressed hope that the decisions to be adopted during the meeting would allow to move forward in that direction. Intrastate agreement process has been completed in Armenia, which means that Armenia is ready to sign the protocols agreed during the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council session in Moscow on February 6, 2015. “Thus, the signing of those protocols without changes will enable to move to the ratification process according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia,” Sargsyan said. Serzh Sargsyan also noted the importance of establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with BRICS countries and praised Russia’s key role in that process. Among the priorities of the Union, Sargsyan mentioned the establishment of a joint power sector market and the step-by-step liberalization of service market. “We consider that today it’s necessary not to weaken the gained momentum; we can’t be satisfied with our achievements, long-tem projects should be developed,” Sargsyan concluded.

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